Fire Fighters, God, Gratitude, I prayer for our Fire Fighters - Please share, Jesus, Montana Fires, New Challenge Request for Help, Universal Laws

For our Montana Fire Fighters – Our Need for a prayer in results. (Can you see the Heart in the Lighting?)

With all the fires our State of Montana is experiencing, I desire to share this blog today with the dedication for our brave fire fighters. 

This is a Prayer Challenge… I ask for your help with the below prayer and to share this with others in the hopes we can get more prayers said as desired.  I challenge everyone to try my prayer below in Red and help us all with what we already have received… Enough rain to end Montana’s Forest fires by this weekend.  Please read and share… with your help we can all pray with gratitude as our prayers have already been answered.  

     For most of my life, I prayed to God to help me through challenges, those hardships I faced.  Most often, those prayers always started with Dear God, Please help…. Too often these prayers were my way of begging for Gods grace in showing me compassion and even a way out of the hard times I was facing.  As most of us know, sometimes this comforts us enough to bear the challenge and as we all know, this too will pass.  Yet too many times what I actually prayed for, never manifested into my life.  More often than not, I moved on, got through the pain and focused on the next need in life.  Lately, I’ve wondered why in so many ways after I prayed my heart out, why did the request not be answered?  Why wouldn’t God believe we needed his help the moment we asked?  I am a firm believer in: ” Ask and you shall receive.  Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and the door will be opened.”  Yet for so many years, I asked, I begged, I looked for answers and trust me I knocked until I felt my fingers bled.  Yet in so many ways I did not see the results, I just got through it and move forward.    

     When we stop believing God resides only up in the sky watching over us and listing our every stupid human mistake. We forget that it’s God’s energy that runs through each one of us.  We should instead remember, Jesus and God said they reside within our hearts.  This started me wondering, maybe I am getting this all wrong.  Maybe it’s not what I am praying for that is not working.  Rather, it’s how I am praying.  Just because we believe in God, this will never mean our belief replaces all the Universes Law that Govern our surroundings.  Once I started thinking this way, I realized, how I had been praying. It was all in a desperation manner, begging for what I did not already have. It was worded as I do not have, I need to be given this or that, I am weak, blah, blah, blah.  Whatever I prayed for or how I prayed, was in a state of need and current lack.  I had not considered the real concept of Gratitude and how we show what we are grateful for in our lives. Nor did I realize that by praying with gratitude, I make my prayers full of joy and love for what I have NOW.  Even if what I am praying about is not currently what my life that is front of me now.   I now pray as if it’s already been received and I am so very Grateful for all I have been blessed with.  

The most effective prayers for us all are to pray for what we have (or want and need as if we already have it).  This is a complete change in how I was taught by the church.  Yet it makes perfect sense to me now.  In the past, if I felt we needed rain, I would say something like; “Dear God, we are in desperate need of rain today.  Everything is so dry, our forests are on fire.  We need rain so bad right now.  Please find it in your heart to help us out and give us the rain we need so our land is protected from more fires.  Oh and God, please no lighting right now, we just can’t take any more strikes. Thank you and God bless, Amen.”  Then I would wait to see if God answered my prayers and showered us with rain.  9.9 times out of 10, the rain did not come.  

     I now pray in a completely different manner and even though it’s fairly new to my practice, it has been a complete transformation in results thus far.  If I want to see rain, I must approach my desires with a prayer in a new manner.  My new pray would go something like this; (This is my prayer challenge I share today) “Dear God, Thank you for the much-needed rain we are currently receiving. Our forest is grateful for the water that is pouring down on us as we speak.  I can feel the mud between my toes, it’s such a cool and fun child like feeling to experience at this moment.  I truly am enjoying this rain right now.  Our plants are happy and healthy.  Our wild life is grateful for the fresh drink of water in our rivers and lakes.  You have blessed us with this rain and we give gratitude for all our prayers already answered. Our Fire Fighter are relieved and getting to spend time home with their loved ones, we are all grateful for this rain.  Thank you for your pure love for us all, we are truly blessed.  It is so.  Amen.” 

     The difference between these two similar prayers is that one begs for something we do not have, thus the Universe gives us what we say we already have.  We declared we are in lack, therefore, more lack must be given.  We said it, so it must be true and the Universe aims to please upon our request.  While the other way of praying is thanking God/Universe for what is already given.  It is So, or “it’s Done,” says that we already have what we have asked to receive. Instead of admitting we need more than we already have.  We are thanking God for what has already been given.  (I know this seems like just a play on words). However, what it’s saying is we already know rain is here and we call it out by giving our gratitude to God’s gift “Already Received”.  The other way is us admitting we are in need and the Universe then continues to give us what we say we actually have, the lack of rain.  It’s better to pray as if it’s already received, then to admit we are in lack of anything.  No one needs more lack, so why not make our prayers about the abundance we desire over the lack of anything.  Believe you lack nothing and give thanks for all you have been given.  (Yes even if you thinks that makes your prayers a lie to God, it is not.  It’s you saying to God, You believe he gives you everything you need; desire and request, and you know it’s already been given and on its way.  He gives you everything you request for and you are truly grateful.  

God Bless and thank you for all we have already received.  We are all truly blessed and filled with gratitude for your gift of Pure Love for us all.  Amen.  

Love From Gratitude Mountain and Thank you again for sharing my blog.  May you all be blessed and thank you again for the Rain we are receiving.